Update on our Seed Bank

ABHS Agave Gardens Multi use and Seed bank building is in progress, it looks so good environmentally correct in the landscape, the concreted seed bank within the structure starts next week, stop by and take a look! The seed bank storage building will begin next week, please  begin  to gather your seeds and keep notes on date and place of harvesting..9553A84B-A30A-4AD0-9404-D5F626C9C14E 880313AC-69C6-4306-A8AD-0D2677EF71C9


Hello Friends:

In the time of Covid19 Agave Gardens  remains closed , we are pleased to show the garden by appointment, please call us at 725 5507

We will continue to explore how and when to re-open on Mondays /Wednesdays and Fridays

Thank you for your understanding an we are here for your private visits.IMG_1142