Plan a visit to the Agave gardens
Wild Medicinal garden at Agave
wild-medicinal-plants come and see the Agave Gardens. Do you know this plant?? This is Calotropis procera, used in traditional medicine in Asia and the Caribbean
Planting a new border at my Lindsay hill garden, featuring Fountain Grass ‘pennisetum setaceum,’ consider it in cream and burgundy and readily found in the garden centers, we will soon have some available in the Agave green house.fountain grass’
Wild Medicinal Plants
We are pleased to report that we are expanding our Wild Garden, as we indentify with the help of members and friends we catologue our finds and encourage cultivation.
Mid summer heat and we are waiting for a little more showers please! but we are finding a few lovely areas in our Wild Medicinal garden,
Please take a look, at three very attractive plants we can consider planting these at our home gardens, once they are controlled as they can be prolific spreaders: Wild cattle tongue Plucea Odotata ‘‘for fever’, Vervain shrub ‘Stachytarpheta cayennensis’,Yellow Balsam ‘Croton Dryander’
we are propagating cuttings in our green house for sale at a nominal price.