10/6/2014: The Plastic Story!

The plastic story! We would all like to see Antigua Barbuda become a plastic free Island!! yeah!
I know this is a big issue but we will start here by publishing each week 10 ways for us to eliminate the use of plastic! send your ideas and comments.
Here we go:
1. Bring your own cloth or reusable bags to the grocery store (or any store!). Just keep them in your car so you do not forget!
2. Don’t buy beverages bottled in plastic. Glass is great.
3. Get a glass or reusable water bottle.
4. Get all beverages in a ceramic, or reusable cup.
5. Carry your own baskets to the vegetable market (we all used to)
6. Don’t buy convenience foods packages in plastic.
7. Make your own bread.
8. Buy your bread from bakeries that package in paper.
9. Clean with baking soda and vinegar instead of cleaners packaged in plastic.
10. Buy laundry detergent in boxes, not liquid in plastic containers.