We will reopen on Wednesday 14, August 2024, please stop by and see our new plants, seeds, and new items in our garden shop, get yourself a pair of garden sleeves.
Our Seed bank is offering an updated collection of peppers, hot, sweet and tasty.
Monday/Wednesday and Friday 10.30 am to 2.30 pm 268 725 5507
The Antigua Barbuda Horticultural Society Invite 10 children each month to the Agave gardens for the following program:
We will have a class room style program : Introduction to seeds:
Introduction to seeds, their anatomy, seed collection methods.
To volunteer by helping to collect, sort, dry and package seeds
Introduction to- in garden plants
Create little green houses for germination e.g. egg cartons then transplant seedlings to the garden.
Each student will be given seeds
Teach the value and appreciate nature
Encourage seed saving at home by providing containers and instruction on how to collect seeds.
In the event that your school is interested we are pleased to speak with your teachers to help with arranging the program, the day and time that would be suitable for your school.