Spring 2017
Welcome to the eight Newsletter to the Friends of the Agave Garden.
We are very pleased to welcome new Friends to our Agave Garden project and to see that the appeal of this unique Garden extends beyond our shores.
Welcome new friend.
á Mrs. Daphne Davis (repeat contributor)
Application Information to become a Friend to the Agave Gardens is given at the end of the Newsletter. COME AND JOIN US!
Antigua and Barbuda Horticultural Society
plans events throughout the year and we hope that some of the Friends will
be here to participate in them.
Under the patronage of His Excellency the Governor General Sir Rodney Williams
April 8th 2017 The Society held its 8th annual Flower and Garden show with the theme Ôgrow a gardenÕ the show was vibrant and colourful with 35 marketplace vendors offering all plants, orchids and related items , we had several small garden displays
Our competition was very sucessful with flower arranging, potted plants, fruit and vegetable and orchid displays.
The green house and Agave shop sales increased by 50%
The Hort CafŽ, offered wonderful food for all tastes freshly baked bread, cookies and cakes and had record sales.
Entertainemnt presented compliments of the Royal Police band
This fund raiser made $14,000.00, see the sights on the last page.
The Flower Arranging workshop was extremely successful with ten people completing the five-week session, facilitated by Mrs. Theresa Gregory; here are some of the results
We will repeat the course as a way to get a wider audience interested and involved.
Green House/Shade House and garden.
We are pleased to announce that we are open Monday/Wednesday/Friday and Saturdays we invite all to stop in and have a chat about the garden, get to know the medicinal plants and buy a plant or two.
Our green house is stocked with cuttings from the gardens.
Plants are available for display and sale.
Our gardens are growing and maturing with the special look we are very pleased that our collections are complementing the beds our aim is to continue plant water wise, sustainable plants.
We are growing from seeds, cuttings, and slips collected from the garden and have a visitor worthy collection.
Our first collection is the Aloe Garden, then the Desert Rose garden.
We also invite members to host a garden.
Our little botanical shop carries lovely logo items, and related
Garden Visits: open gardens
The committee tries to select a variety of open gardens to visit, and this is a most popular event, the members show their skills in developing their unique environment.
We aim is to get the general public involved and create an open garden month on the Island.
We promote Garden design, use of local plants and planting for sustainability.
Donor Corner
Our wish list (listed in US$)
Plants, Agave, and Aloe collections Bougainvilleas, Trees US$ 2500
Garden Seating Ornamental Concrete US$ 2000
1 dozen chairs US$120
6 table US $1384.00
Slide projector $ 1132.00
Expansion of the Agave House Patio US$6000.00
Covered Permanent Garden Patio US$7500.00
Gravel for entrance and paths $2000.00
We thank you all our generous supporters
Application Information to become a Friend to the Agave Gardens is given at the end of the Newsletter. COME AND JOIN US!
The Society is also making an impact on horticultural education with informative workshops, garden visits and educational programs at its monthly meetings. These bring together like-minded members of the community who wish to join together for the development of horticulture in Antigua. The general public is invited to attend these exciting events for which there will be a registration fee - members EC$10: non-members EC$15.
A database is being developed of garden services. If you can provide any related service, please register with the Society.
For more information call 725-5507. Visit website: www.antiguahorticulture.com
We look forward to your participation in the activities of The Antigua and Barbuda Horticultural Society.
We aim to attract more Friends who wish to participate in this venture, even though they are not here all the time and cannot be "hands-on".
Members are urged to invite visiting friends and family to join with us to make the Agave Garden a great botanical garden for Antigua and Barbuda.
We hope that tourists will also have a stake in our land by becoming an involved Friend.
To become a "FriendÓ there is a suggested range of annual membership
Subscription fees as follows: Donate on line [email protected] or send checks to Antigua Horticultural Society. P.O. Box W212, St. JohnÕs Antigua WI
Corporate: $1000.00
Family: $350.00
Individual: $200.00
Child under l5: $25.00
E. Mail |
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Or telephone 268 725 5507 Please join us!
The Agave Garden is developing to display the flowers; plants, medicinal herbs, trees and landscape of Antigua with a West Indian style Agave Centre. The Garden will offer a serene escape from busy lives and an opportunity to become more aware of the natural beauty of Antigua.
Join with us to complete this exciting venture.
Antigua Barbuda Horticultural Society Spring 2017, publishes this Newsletter
Comments and information for inclusion in the next ÔFriends Newsletter should be sent to:
Barbara Japal [email protected] or Edna Fortescue [email protected]