JULY 2014
Hello Members and Friends,
Happy summer to all, we are on a little holiday, but we are all gardening, despite too many dry days and little water, we persevere.
Our Face book page with the postings of our secretary Generis <[email protected]> contact her with your information we are over 200 likes and we invite you to follow us and like us, great material and educational posts.
Events are updated on our web site
and our blog carry current information, we invite you to keep it current and visit often.
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Here is a look at our show:
Winners: Antigua Barbuda Flower and Garden Show 2014 Winners
Mr. Clayton Isaac- Best In Show
Best Booth: Mrs. Pat Simon-Forde
Mrs. Ann Hicks
Mrs. Generis Hodge
Mrs. Delrose Hixon
Mrs. Tina Zaleski
Mrs. Anne Marie Delisle
Mrs. Agnes Meeker
Mrs. Luana Isaac
Ms. Lorraine Davis
Mrs. Jackie Feracho Williams
Flower World
Mr. Monty Lewis
Mrs. Rose Simon
Mr. Fred Salandy and Alicia George
Mrs. Barbara Japal
A message from the Orchid Society From Mrs. Peggie Samuel, President.
Antigua Barbuda Orchid Society is a new society committed to Orchid Preservation
through education and information.. Antigua Barbuda Orchid Society is a friendly society whose purpose is to share our passion and love for orchids in an informal and nurturing environment. Our meetings provide an opportunity
for people to tap the wealth of knowledge presented by our guest speakers on orchids.
Our Motto: growing our nation one orchid at a time.
information can be obtain from calling Peggie 268-776-6183.
As we are all aware we have engaged Sam Fuller Landscape Architect to render our land use and she has submitted a preliminary, work in progress ….
Patrick Ryan, Chair of the building committee has advised that we await the approvals from DCA. We are delayed with the political change over.
We are reviewing the serious Lethal Yellowing of our Palms, we must keep
everyone informed.
Symptoms and Signs:
Our Palms continue to be infected at an alarming rate
No single symptom is diagnostic of lethal yellowing. Symptoms are variable among palms and in the case of coconuts, among cultivars. It is the pattern of appearance and chronological progression of symptoms that accurately identifies the disease.
Confirmation of lethal yellowing is based on many symptoms, at least 36 palm species have been documented as susceptible to lethal yellowing, but coconut palm (Cocos nucifera) is most vulnerable to the disease, followed by Pritchardia species, Christmas palm (Adonidia merrillii), and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).
Once the disease is confirmed, the palm must be destroyed, cut down and burned.
Calendar of events
Next General Meeting Thursday August 14th 2014 venue to be announced.
December 6th 2014 Fund raiser (to be determined)
March 28th 2015 Flower and Garden Show